Restoration and Extension
If you wish to extend your visit in Canada or to change your status (for instance from student to worker) our consultants will support you in this process. You should apply at least 30 days before your status expires. The main advantage of applying 30 days prior to the expiration of your visa is that even if you do not receive a response from Immigration prior to the time your visa expires your application (which you must be able to prove with a receipt) deems you to have “implied status” until Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides you with an extension.
In the event you failed to apply for an extension of your visitor’s status prior to its expiration you may seek to “restore” it and our company will help you to make an application for restoration within 90 days of the expiration. Your chances of Citizenship and Immigration Canada granting a restoration increase where you have complied with all conditions of your visa other than the expiration and provide a reasonable explanation as to how you allowed your status to lapse.
At STARTUM Consulting our experienced consultants will work with you personally to assess your individual situation and provide you with the necessary and correct steps in your immigration process.
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